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“Election Emotions” differ from results of other polls

ADSAM®, the leader in measuring emotional response, today releases it seventh SenseUs® poll, “Election Emotions,” revealing that:

• Independents have become bi-polar with a strong emotional connection to President Obama and the Tea Party.

• Republicans’ emotional connections are fractured.

• Democrats have slightly more favorable feelings toward the Tea Party than the Republican Party.

• For Independents, former Governor Palin and Congress in general, are well below average in voter emotional connection.

Download the complete report.

SenseUs® is the only omnibus survey that measures both rational AND EMOTIONAL reactions of Americans to current topics and issues, products, services and more. These polls are conducted by AdSAM Marketing, the leading worldwide provider of emotional response market research. SenseUs offers a new approach to evaluating politics and key issues with the assessment of both rational and emotional thought processes.

This type of polling dives deep into a person’s emotions by interpreting the underlying factors such as attitudes, preferences and behavior. This allows an organization to gauge the full and truthful response of the participants with the interpretation of emotional predictors to scale their response.

“Feelings are overlooked in many research plans, which is unfortunate since emotions are the precursor to action,” said Jon Morris, Ph.D., president of ADSAM Marketing and communications professor at the University of Florida.

About AdSAM:

AdSAM has been applied in marketing and communications research for two decades. AdSAM is effective cross-culturally and has been used in over 600 proprietary studies worldwide and incorporated into research of many Fortune 500 companies. The nonverbal AdSAM® emotional response measure enables us to understand and assess emotional connections, motivators, needs and barriers that factor into the market.

About SenseUS®:

Since the fall of 2007, SenseUs® has offered a new approach to polling. Utilizing AdSAM®, the foremost measure of emotion response, SenseUs assesses the feelings of the public and links their emotional reactions to their thoughts.

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